
"Overfishing of Inland Waters"

Not only is Overfishing occurring in large salt water areas, but it is also occurring in freshwater inland areas. According to the peer reviewed journal "Overfishing of Inland Waters", "the current fisheries crisis has focused nearly exclusively on marine resources...[but] fisheries of inland waters have received only slight consideration within global analyses." Because inland fishing is usually recreational, artisanal, or illegal, it is harder to regulate and calculate statistics on. however, we know that Fresh water ecosystems as well as Salt Water ecosystems are suffering rapid decreases caused by overfishing and disturbances to the natural environment.

The Fresh Water ecosystems are showing declines in different ways than Salt Water ecosystems. This may be the reason why hardly any attention is being paid to the Fresh Water ecosystem problem. Rather than experiencing a decline in quantity of fish in Fresh Water areas, they are experiencing major changes such as "reduced growth and wellness of fish, pollution, degradation, nonnative species introductions, and detrimental interactions with hatchery-reared fish." The Fresh Water ecosystem is undergoing constant unnatural change and a disturbance in the natural environment is occurring. This is the biological issue.

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