
the LOGICAL solutions to this biological issue


Many people do care about the Ocean and its inhabitants, but are ignorant to problems that occur beneath the water. The key to prevention is education. If educated about the endangerment of the Giant Bluefin Tuna and other species that are being overfished, the human population will be more cautious about what food they buy, what restaurant they eat at, and will hopefully spread the word about what is happening.


Many fishers are getting away with overfishing because there are not strict enough enforcements on fishermen. The problem of overfishing needs to be brought to the attention of those in high standing such as the ICCAT and even national governments whose countries are surrounded by oceans that are having overfishing problems. Regulations and rules, though they are hard to enforce on the sea because of boundary issues, need to be implemented and abided by.


Though we cannot order the Bluefin Tuna to repopulate, we can give them time to do so. I propose that fish with low populations that are becoming endangered should be left alone and given the time to repopulate and increase their numbers. I think we can go without the luxury of having real Bluefin Tuna sushi. I am not proposing that we cease all fishing of certain fish but that we restrict it and stop the overfishing that is caused by big companies taking large quantities of fish that are causing the major damage.

BY TAKING THESE MEASURES, we will be able to preserve the populations of fish and prevent overfishing from wiping out the Bluefin Tuna and many other fish species. It is a sacrifice that will have opposition and will be hard to implement, but it is necessary in solving this biological issue.

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